Kalari Therapies

Experience the Healing Power of Kalari Chikitsa

Kalari Chikitsa is a time-honored healing practice deeply rooted in the rich traditions of Kalari, an ancient martial art. Originating from the need to address injuries common during intense training and combat, Kalari Chikitsa has been a vital component for Kalari gurus and warriors for centuries. Kalari gurukkals are highly specialized in orthopedics and neurology, enabling them to provide timely care to combat casualties. In today’s sedentary lifestyle, where physical inactivity often leads to muscle and joint issues, Kalari Chikitsa emerges as a potent solution. Problems like misalignment, disc-related issues and various musculoskeletal challenges can find effective relief through this ancient therapy.

Discover Marma Chikitsa

Kalari Chikitsa boasts a unique and specialized treatment method known as Marma Chikitsa. This approach targets 64 out of 107 vital body points, with potential catastrophic consequences if injured. It’s a testament to the precision and effectiveness of Kalari’s therapeutic practices.

Athma Kalari: Your Source for Healing – At Athma Kalari, we stand out as a prominent destination for the treatment of neuro, muscular, orthopedic and ligamental injuries, including spinal injuries, sports-related issues, back pain, cervical ailments, knee problems, and rheumatism. Our expertise encompasses a wide spectrum of health challenges, ensuring you find the relief you need. Ashan (master) Vipindas has not only mastered the traditional Kalari oil massage and therapy system but has also delved into a diverse range of therapeutic practices, each contributing to his profound understanding of holistic well-being. His expertise extends to Ayurvedic Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Kalari Marma Therapy, Chiropractic, Kathakali Oil Massage and Yoga Training.

Explore Our Range of Therapeutic Treatments

At Athma Kalari, we offer a diverse array of therapeutic treatments designed to cater to your specific wellness needs. Each treatment is crafted to harness the healing power of ancient traditions and is administered by our expert practitioners. Discover the treatments we provide:

Uzichil is a profound therapeutic experience that focuses on applying pressure to your spine and back using medicated oils. This unique massage is often recommended as an initial step before other treatments, helping to release tightness in the body. Depending on the patient’s flexibility and condition, there are two primary types of Uzichil: Kai (Hand) and Chavittu (Leg). The choice between these methods is thoughtfully determined after a thorough consultation with our Gurukkal.

Benefits of Uzichil

Uzichil offers a range of benefits, making it an invaluable component of holistic healing at Athma Kalari. Some of the conditions it aids in alleviating include:

  • Back Pain: Uzichil, along with Kizhi and Vasti is a particularly effective remedy for back pain and other spine-related issues, providing relief and comfort.

  • Cervical Issues: Sporting individuals often grapple with cervical problems. At Athma Kalari, we offer various medicated bag treatments, cracking systems, and massages tailored to address these concerns, ensuring peak performance.

  • Muscle Problems: Muscle health is critical for athletes’ performance, and Uzichil, along with Ayurvedic treatments, offers an array of massages, medicated bags, and bandages to address muscle wear and tear. Our therapists, with their extensive experience, bring time-tested remedies to your care.

  • Ligament Issues: Athletes commonly face ligament problems, and Uzichil is complemented by medicated bandages and ointments from a lineage of knowledge passed down through generations, ensuring a comprehensive approach to healing.

  • Joint Problems: Joint dislocation is a common challenge in sports. Athma Kalari leverages its rich heritage to adeptly manage these issues, providing athletes with effective solutions.

Kizhi is a therapeutic wonder that beckons you to experience the profound healing effects of herbal poultice massage. This ancient practice is renowned for its ability to rejuvenate the body and enhance vitality. At Athma Kalari, we offer a customized Kizhi treatment designed to address your unique health needs.

Kizhi therapy is like a natural spa day for your body. It’s all about using herbs to make you feel better. The warm herbs in the poultices soothe your aches and pains, make you more flexible and help you feel great.

Benefits of Kizhi

Kizhi treatment offers an array of benefits, making it a cornerstone of holistic wellness at Athma Kalari. Some of the conditions and concerns it effectively addresses include:

  • Muscle and Joint Pain: Kizhi is particularly effective in providing relief from muscle and joint pain. It soothes discomfort, enhances flexibility, and promotes overall well-being.

  • Rheumatism: For those dealing with rheumatism, Kizhi therapy offers a natural and holistic approach to manage the condition, providing relief and comfort.

  • Neurological Conditions: Kizhi’s therapeutic properties extend to addressing various neurological issues, helping to improve the well-being of those who seek its benefits.

  • Arthritis: Kizhi is a soothing and effective treatment for arthritis, offering respite from pain and stiffness, and contributing to better joint health.

  • Rejuvenation: Beyond addressing specific concerns, Kizhi is known for its rejuvenating qualities. It promotes a sense of vitality and renewal that resonates through the body and mind.

Vasti, an ancient therapeutic practice, offers you the natural healing power of enema therapy. At Athma Kalari, we embrace this centuries-old tradition and customize Vasti treatments to address your unique well-being needs.

Vasti is a unique therapy that involves using special herbal concoctions and enemas to cleanse and detoxify your body. It’s like a gentle, natural way to give your body a fresh start and restore balance. There are two types of Vasti: 1) Janu Vasti 2) Kadi Vasti

Benefits of Vasti

Vasti therapy provides a range of benefits, making it an integral part of holistic wellness at Athma Kalari. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Digestive Harmony: If you’re having digestive troubles, Vasti can be like a soothing balm for your stomach and intestines, helping you find balance.

  • Detoxification: Vasti is a gentle detox for your body, helping to remove impurities and toxins, so you feel lighter and clearer.

  • Reproductive Health: For women and men, Vasti can be a supportive therapy for reproductive health, bringing balance and comfort.

  • Immune Boost: Vasti strengthens your body’s natural defenses, making you more resilient to illness.

  • Pain Relief: If you’re struggling with pain, Vasti can be a natural way to find relief and relaxation.

Traction therapy is a gentle yet effective method for providing relief to your spine and joints. At Athma Kalari, we employ this therapeutic approach to help you regain comfort and mobility in a soothing and tailored manner. Traction therapy is a method that gently stretches and decompresses your spine and joints. Think of it as a way to help your body relax, like when you stretch after a long nap.

Benefits of Traction

Traction therapy offers several benefits, making it a valuable component of our holistic wellness approach at Athma Kalari. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Back Pain Relief: If your back is aching, traction therapy can provide relief and ease the discomfort.

  • Spinal Health: Traction therapy helps maintain the health of your spine, keeping it aligned and comfortable.

  • Joint Flexibility: For joints that are feeling stiff, traction therapy can make them more flexible, so you can move with ease.

  • Enhanced Mobility: If you’re finding it hard to move, traction therapy can help you regain your freedom of movement.

Dhara therapy is like a serene river of healing, gently flowing to calm your mind and rejuvenate your body. At Athma Kalari, we embrace this ancient tradition to create customized Dhara treatments that cater to your unique well-being. Dhara therapy involves the continuous flow of warm, medicated oils or other healing liquids onto the forehead. Imagine it as a gentle, soothing rain of comfort for your mind and body.

Benefits of Dhara Therapy

Dhara therapy offers a variety of benefits, making it a vital component of our holistic wellness approach at Athma Kalari. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Mental Clarity: Dhara therapy soothes your mind and enhances mental clarity, like a tranquil pond reflecting a clear sky.

  • Stress Reduction: For those battling stress and tension, Dhara therapy provides relief, helping you find inner calm.

  • Rejuvenation: Dhara therapy is not just about healing; it’s also about renewal. It renews your vitality and brings back a sense of well-being.

  • Relief from Headaches: If you’re struggling with headaches, Dhara therapy can provide relief, like a soothing breeze on a warm day.

  • Improved Sleep: Dhara therapy can help improve your sleep, so you wake up refreshed and ready for the day.

A steam bath is a time-honored therapeutic practice that offers an opportunity to rejuvenate and revitalize your body and soul. At Athma Kalari, we embrace this ancient tradition to create customized steam bath experiences that cater to your unique well-being. A steam bath involves sitting in a room filled with warm, moist air, creating a soothing and refreshing environment. Think of it as a natural spa for your body, offering a holistic approach to relaxation and wellness.

Benefits of Steam Bath

A steam bath offers a range of benefits, making it an integral part of our holistic wellness approach at Athma Kalari. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Stress Relief: Steam baths are known for their stress-reducing effects, helping you find inner peace and relaxation.

  • Detoxification: The warmth and humidity of the steam promote natural detoxification, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

  • Respiratory Health: Steam can provide relief for respiratory conditions, making it easier to breathe and enhancing lung health.

  • Skin Rejuvenation: Steam promotes healthy skin by opening pores, which can improve the appearance and feel of your skin.

  • Muscle Relaxation: A steam bath can ease muscle tension and soreness, enhancing your overall comfort and well-being.

Medicinal bandaging is a therapeutic method designed to offer targeted healing and support. At Athma Kalari, we employ this specialized approach to create customized medicinal bandaging treatments tailored to your unique wellness requirements. Medicinal bandaging involves applying therapeutic herbal pastes and bandages to the affected area of your body. Think of it as a comforting and customized wrap that provides healing where you need it most.

Benefits of Medicinal Bandaging

Medicinal bandaging offers several benefits, making it an important component of our holistic wellness approach at Athma Kalari. Here’s how it can help you:

  • Ailment Relief: Medicinal bandaging is designed to provide relief for specific health concerns, promoting comfort and well-being.

  • Healing Support: The herbal pastes and bandages create an environment that supports the natural healing process.

  • Localized Treatment: Medicinal bandaging ensures that the healing properties of the herbs are focused on the specific area that needs attention.

  • Recovery Assistance: For those on a path to recovery from injuries or ailments, medicinal bandaging can be a valuable aid.

Nasya is an integral part of Ayurvedic therapy that focuses on nasal treatment. This unique practice involves the application of medicated oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages. At Athma Kalari, Nasya is administered after a thorough consultation with our Ayurvedic experts to address specific concerns.

Benefits of Nasya:

  • Sinus and Allergy Relief: Nasya is highly effective in providing relief from sinus congestion and allergies, as it helps clear nasal passages and reduce inflammation.

  • Migraine Management: Those suffering from migraines can find relief through Nasya, as it is known to reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

  • Improved Mental Clarity: Nasya is believed to enhance mental clarity, concentration, and cognitive function, making it a valuable therapy for those seeking mental rejuvenation.

  • Respiratory Health: This therapy also promotes respiratory health, helping individuals breathe more comfortably and reducing the risk of respiratory ailments.

  • Holistic Well-being: Nasya contributes to overall well-being, promoting balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit.

Therapies Overview

Treatment NameDuration per sessionGeneral recommended durationFrequency
Uzichil45 mins7 / 14 / 21 / 42 daysDaily
Kizhi Partial20 mins7 / 14 / 21 / 42 daysDaily
Kizhi Full body45 mins7 / 14 / 21 / 42 daysDaily
Vasti20-30 mins7 / 14 / 21 / 42 daysDaily
Traction10 minsGenerally additional to other treatmentsWeekly once or twice
Dhara20-30 mins7 / 14 / 21 / 42 daysAlternate days
Steam Bath15-20 minsGenerally additional to other treatmentsAlternate
Medicinal BandagingNAGenerally additional to other treatmentsAlternate

Note: Do get in touch with us to know the pricing details of the specific treatment either by registering or by clicking on the chat button icon on the right bottom corner of the screen.


Uzichil is a profound therapeutic experience that focuses on applying pressure to your spine and back using medicated oils. This unique massage is often recommended as an initial step before other treatments, helping to release tightness in the body. Depending on the patient’s flexibility and condition, there are two primary types of Uzichil: Kai (Hand) and Chavittu (Leg). The choice between these methods is thoughtfully determined after a thorough consultation with our Gurukkal.

Kizhi is a therapeutic wonder that beckons you to experience the profound healing effects of herbal poultice massage. This ancient practice is renowned for its ability to rejuvenate the body and enhance vitality. At Athma Kalari, we offer a customized Kizhi treatment designed to address your unique health needs.

Kizhi therapy is like a natural spa day for your body. It’s all about using herbs to make you feel better. The warm herbs in the poultices soothe your aches and pains, make you more flexible and help you feel great.

Vasti, an ancient therapeutic practice, offers you the natural healing power of enema therapy. At Athma Kalari, we embrace this centuries-old tradition and customize Vasti treatments to address your unique well-being needs.

Vasti is a unique therapy that involves using special herbal concoctions and enemas to cleanse and detoxify your body. It’s like a gentle, natural way to give your body a fresh start and restore balance. There are two types of Vasti: 1) Janu Vasti 2) Kadi Vasti

Traction therapy is a gentle yet effective method for providing relief to your spine and joints. At Athma Kalari, we employ this therapeutic approach to help you regain comfort and mobility in a soothing and tailored manner. Traction therapy is a method that gently stretches and decompresses your spine and joints. Think of it as a way to help your body relax, like when you stretch after a long nap.

Dhara therapy is like a serene river of healing, gently flowing to calm your mind and rejuvenate your body. At Athma Kalari, we embrace this ancient tradition to create customized Dhara treatments that cater to your unique well-being. Dhara therapy involves the continuous flow of warm, medicated oils or other healing liquids onto the forehead. Imagine it as a gentle, soothing rain of comfort for your mind and body.

A steam bath is a time-honored therapeutic practice that offers an opportunity to rejuvenate and revitalize your body and soul. At Athma Kalari, we embrace this ancient tradition to create customized steam bath experiences that cater to your unique well-being. A steam bath involves sitting in a room filled with warm, moist air, creating a soothing and refreshing environment. Think of it as a natural spa for your body, offering a holistic approach to relaxation and wellness.

Medicinal bandaging is a therapeutic method designed to offer targeted healing and support. At Athma Kalari, we employ this specialized approach to create customized medicinal bandaging treatments tailored to your unique wellness requirements. Medicinal bandaging involves applying therapeutic herbal pastes and bandages to the affected area of your body. Think of it as a comforting and customized wrap that provides healing where you need it most.

Nasya is an integral part of Ayurvedic therapy that focuses on nasal treatment. This unique practice involves the application of medicated oils or herbal preparations through the nasal passages. At Athma Kalari, Nasya is administered after a thorough consultation with our Ayurvedic experts to address specific concerns.

Note: Rotate the phone to landscape mode to check out the duration details, recommended therapies’ duration.

Treatment Recommendations

  • The appropriate treatment approach and its duration will be determined after a thorough consultation, tailored to the patient’s specific condition.
  • While many physicians might lean towards recommending surgical procedures for disc-related issues, it’s worth noting that all disc-related concerns can often be addressed with Kalari treatment.

Accommodation Facilities

At Athma Kalari, we provide comfortable and convenient accommodation options to enhance your stay and experience with us. Our meals are served 3 times a day, featuring simple homemade South Indian healthy cuisine prepared using seasonal and locally sourced ingredients. Our accommodation types include:

  1. Single Rooms: We offer a limited number of single rooms for those seeking a private and peaceful space during their stay. Please check the availability status on the registration page and secure your single room reservation in advance.

  2. Shared Dormitory: Our shared dormitory is a cost-effective and communal option for individuals looking to connect with fellow practitioners. It’s a great way to foster a sense of community and share your journey with like-minded individuals.

Accommodation Pricing (Includes Food)

DurationShared DormitorySingle Room
7 Days₹4,000₹5,500
14 Days₹8,000₹11,000
21 Days₹12,000₹16,500
1 Month₹16,000₹22,000
42 Days₹24,000₹33,000
2 Months₹31,000₹44,000


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